WorldPower Energy’s production unit has been named

After a lot of brainstorming and good discussions, we landed on a name that we believe is both unique, explanatory and functional:

WAPO (origin: water power)

This means that WorldPower Energy’s production units, which are based on WAPO technology, will henceforth be referred to as a WAPO system.


The unique WAPO technology is the core of our product development, and a WAPO system can consist of a WAPO Basic or a WAPO Advanced.

WAPO Basic is our standard model. The unique thing about WAPO Basic is the classic physical principles on which the machine is based and which results in a very cost-effective energy machine. WAPO Basic is based only on pressure differences, and is particularly suitable for small and medium-sized installations.

WAPO Advanced is also based on pressure differences (equivalent to WAPO Basic), but which here are further transferred to potential energy in buoyancy and gravity, and which are therefore best suited for the largest installations, especially installations located on the high seas.

By following the link you can read more about our revolutionary energy solution!

Water – our most important resource

Stiftelsen Trygg i vannet, er en veldedig stiftelse, som jobber drukningsforebyggende. Stiftelsen drives av ett styre. Stiftelsen har som formål å gi barn trygghet og vannglede, i ved og på vann. Det er ingen krav for deltagerne å konkurrere, eller annen form for “konkurransepress”, men de barna og ungdommene som ønsker, har muligheten og får tilbud om dette. Vårt ønske er å ha opplæringen i småbassengene, for å kunne gi ett godt tilbud i nærmiljøet.  Overskudd fra siftelsen, går til utdanning av nye instruktører, så flere skal få tilbud om å bli trygge i vannet.

WorldPower Energy is a proud sponsor and supporter of the Trygg i Vannet foundation and their important work.

Projected and realized cost of energy

At the same time Lazard Ltd, the world’s leading financial and asset management firm, advises on mergers, acquisitions, restructuring, capital structure and strategy, conducted their annual in-depth study comparing the energy costs of different generation technologies and the costs of energy storage technologies for different systems and devices.
Their last report “LAZARD’S LEVELIZED COST OF ENERGY ANALYSIS—VERSION 14.0” was recently published and the correspondence between the figures from this and our own calculations is remarkable, with a difference of only 1.8%!

This indicates that the WorldPower Energy team possesses high quality knowledge and expertise and is accurate in their work of data collection and usage of sources for our calculations, which in turn gives realistic projections and results.
We are very pleased with this confirmation, which creates a sense of security in our own work, also in the future.

By following the link you can read more about our revolutionary energy solution!

Earth Day every day, at WorldPower Energy

The world needs more and more energy At the same time, the climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our times, concretized through the ambitions of the Paris Agreement. In order to be able to offer the world access to energy, but at the same time limit and slow down climate change, which is particularly a result of fossil energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, we must look at the resources we already have available today.

With the possibilities of World Power Energys innovative energy solution our value propostion is to be a recognized, important and leading player in the global energy picture, with fertile ground for creativity and innovation, rooted in sustainability. The company’s goal is to become the world’s most preferred supplier of installations for power generation,
to be a leading supplier of renewable energy and be at the forefront of optimizing zero-emission electricity production globally.

“If I am able to solve the problem of the utilizing the ocean – its calm waters, and enormous resources in buoyancy and gravity, it will have enormous significance for the world. The potential positive effect of a solution like this is what drives me forward”, says Bendik Bø, inventor of WorldPower Energy.

Hydraulic solution for power transmission

Particularly with optimization and the construction of the hydraulic system for transmission. It is, as always, important for the company to acquire the right expertise in the form of experienced and skilled partners and collaborators.
With our own Hydraulics Manager, Jostein Bø, now part of the team, the quality of this work is increasing.
Jostein has extensive experience in the offshore industry. He has worked his way through all the stages from drilling deck worker to working as a toolpusher – the latter for the world’s largest rig company, TransOcean.
With his complex expertise, broad experience and large network, Jostein is an important resource for WorldPower Energy.

The word hydraulics comes from the word hydro, which means “water”. In a hydraulic system, however, we do not use water, but hydraulic oil or hydraulic fluid to control a mechanical process using control units. Unlike air, the oil cannot be compressed. This means that we get a very stable system. The oil also prevents corrosion in the hydraulic system. Hydraulics are used, among other things, for power transmission, shock absorption and servo on steering and brakes on vehicles, steering of cylinders for various types of machines and steering system on larger boats.

By following the link you can read more about our revolutionary energy solution!

Further development of WorldPower Energy’s innovative energy solution

The focus is still on further development and construction of our innovative solution and the system as a whole. Important factors such as function, durability, maintenance needs and the overall cost picture are continuously assessed in this process and lay the foundation for optimization towards a finished power production unit.

The WorldPower Energy team is now taking a well-deserved Easter break, but the work will continue in full in week 14.

WorldPower Energy has moved into new premises at the venerable Alfred Andersen

From the establishment of the company, exactly one year and one month ago today, 18th. of February 2020, and throughout the first year, WorldPower Energy was part of the CoLab Larvik. CoLab is a coworking space in the city center of Larvik, which offers flexible solutions for individuals and companies in all phases. Their aim is to create an environment where people help and support each other, in the work of establishing, running and developing businesses. The time at CoLab was very important for WorldPower Energy, and the relationships with several important acquaintances and collaborations were established as a result of the company’s time there.

It has never been a secret that WorldPower Energy has big plans and hairy goals. The fact that the company now has its HQ at old Alfred Andersen in Larvik, including its own workshop, and with production facilities at Rubbestadneset, is an important milestone. It reflects the company’s seriousness and weight, despite its young lifespan.

Alfred Andersen was established in 1893 in Larvik, and became a large workshop in Vestfold with the whole country as a market. The products were adjusted to the largest markets at any given time, from the needs of whaling to the oil industry or the construction industry.

With a huge factory facility and associated buildings, there are great opportunities to facilitate the production of WorldPower Energy’s power-producing units in the future – an opportunity WorldPower Energy is looking forward to exploring further.

By following the link you can read more about our revolutionary energy solution!

Thanks to UTD Larvik for a great sign.

WorldPower Energy celebrates their 1st birthday!

Networking, raising capital, raising skills, concluding important collaboration agreements with skilled and recognized players, optimizing technology and last but not least “proof of concept”, which means that the physical principles behind the concept are proven, are all important and significant milestones that deserves extra attention today.

We marked the important date with a brand new website, which you are now visiting, as well as the premiere of our new onepresentation film!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank ByJannicke at design og Insite Media for website development, NummeMedia at 3D-drawing and animation and Mixed Pepper for the production of the film.