WorldPower Energy’s production unit has been named

After a lot of brainstorming and good discussions, we landed on a name that we believe is both unique, explanatory and functional:

WAPO (origin: water power)

This means that WorldPower Energy’s production units, which are based on WAPO technology, will henceforth be referred to as a WAPO system.


The unique WAPO technology is the core of our product development, and a WAPO system can consist of a WAPO Basic or a WAPO Advanced.

WAPO Basic is our standard model. The unique thing about WAPO Basic is the classic physical principles on which the machine is based and which results in a very cost-effective energy machine. WAPO Basic is based only on pressure differences, and is particularly suitable for small and medium-sized installations.

WAPO Advanced is also based on pressure differences (equivalent to WAPO Basic), but which here are further transferred to potential energy in buoyancy and gravity, and which are therefore best suited for the largest installations, especially installations located on the high seas.

By following the link you can read more about our revolutionary energy solution!

Water – our most important resource

Stiftelsen Trygg i vannet, er en veldedig stiftelse, som jobber drukningsforebyggende. Stiftelsen drives av ett styre. Stiftelsen har som formål å gi barn trygghet og vannglede, i ved og på vann. Det er ingen krav for deltagerne å konkurrere, eller annen form for “konkurransepress”, men de barna og ungdommene som ønsker, har muligheten og får tilbud om dette. Vårt ønske er å ha opplæringen i småbassengene, for å kunne gi ett godt tilbud i nærmiljøet.  Overskudd fra siftelsen, går til utdanning av nye instruktører, så flere skal få tilbud om å bli trygge i vannet.

WorldPower Energy is a proud sponsor and supporter of the Trygg i Vannet foundation and their important work.